A very interesting thought usually when purchasing an apartment in Goa is which floor you want your dwelling to be. Top of the world view or close to the ground easy access or a simple in between choice with a mix of both.
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Living on the top floor has numerous advantages such as lesser pests invading the home, cleaner air, brilliant view and possibly even a penthouse duplex. But there are definitely things one should consider while purchasing an apartment at such a height like the elevator going out of commission for a brief period.
An apartment at the lower floors of course is less thrilling to live down there as compared to the top floors so it makes for a suitable choice for the faint of heart. You could use the staircase as a means of daily exercise to keep shape. But there are also some troublesome aspects to owning a home in the lower floors as you are easily victim to any noise pollution that may disturb the neighborhood.
Buying your new flat is a big decision so an informed choice taking into account such factors is very important.
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